Redesigning the SaaS industrial application through comprehensive research
PidGraph is a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) backed tool that is used to digitize technical Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) documents. The typical users are process engineers and project managers who specialize in drawing and using P&ID documents.
Business Challenges
Initial input from users and insights from stakeholders contributed to the identification of the current issue:
A steep learning curve attributed to inconsistencies in user flow and components.
Insufficient information for frequent user tasks.
Inconsistencies between user needs and available functions.
Comparatively more challenging to use when compared to competing products.

Recognize the prevalent challenges users encounter when utilizing PIDGraph and propose alternative strategies to enhance the effectiveness of the manual drawing procedure.
Typical User
Typical users of PIDGraph perform the following roles:
Industrial Draftsman
Lead Draftsman
Project Manager
Typical responsibilities for PIDGraph users include the following:
Perform walk-down of piping and equipment assets
Conduct data collection/validation in the industry processing facility
Identify various types of piping, valves, equipment, and insulation
Read and markup various drawings including Piping & Instrumentation Drawing (P&ID), Isometric Drawing (ISO), Equipment Drawings & Area Maps
Create field sketches based on data collection
Use basic Windows operations including file management and Microsoft Office
Upload work to the Drawing Integrity Management System
Research General Insight

100% need better interaction
50% need role based functions
25% need feature improvement
PIDGraph can be learnt over time.
Not easy to transfer properties
Complex symbol library​
Missing important functionalities​
Unintuitive interactions​
Repetitive errors
Design Solution
Before vs After: Homepage
Before vs After: Drawing Page
The updated PIDGraph design has notably enhanced the quality rating as per the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). Key elements that saw a substantial improvement, such as Attractiveness and Simulation, are closely tied to increased user motivation in utilizing the tool. This, from a business standpoint, correlated with the adoption rate.
While users initially view PIDGraph as a practical and easily learnable tool, the redesign result further enhances this aspect. For instance, the Dependability point addresses the initial issue of a steep learning curve.

UEQ Score Comparison

Error Rate Comparison
The error rate assessment aligns with the UEQ results, indicating that the new design successfully prevented user errors that were present in the initial design.